Salinera in years gone by. Here with her foal Mill Eclipse in 1999
Salineras foal, Mill Eclipse, all grown and a dam herself

In 2009, Salineras foal, Mill Eclipse, an APTO graded and stunning mare, gave birth to Perdiz Tamarico.
One of many offspring who have achieved APTO grading and are an important contribution to breeding high quality PRE's in the UK
One of many offspring who have achieved APTO grading and are an important contribution to breeding high quality PRE's in the UK
BILBAINOBilbaino is the first born of our wonderful stallion Golondrino XX. He is absolutely perfect.
He will be for sale on weaning. £4000. SOLD He has been called Bilbaino to celebrate one of the most famous Carthusian foundation stallions of all time. He stood at the beginning of the 20th centuary and is the stallion at the head of all of our colts lines. His pedigree really does read like the whose who of great Carthusian bloodlines. A genuine prince. |